Saturday 17 January 2015


Hello! I'm Ana Loira

I created this blog to share my journey of finding inspiration for my everyday life in different aspects and my hope is that it will aslo help you and be here whenever you need it. 
I want to share all I've learned and all I'm still learning so that you can use it for your benefit. 

A little about me:

 I'm 16 from Spain and currently living in the US as an exchange student. I love summer, the beaches, big cities in general, shopping, make up, photography, fitness and  blogging! 
I've always loved clothes (when I was smaller I used to design clothes for my brothers and parents, although those designs always remained on paper) and I've also always loved to find new ways of combining every single item in my closet. 

My love for make up however came much later. I still remember that I used to tell my mom that I would never, ever, ever wear make up, but here I am now, with a pretty big make up collection that is getting bigger with the time... 

I also love fitness and healthy cooking and eating, so you can expect some reciepes and fitness posts too. I started realising how important of a role in your life excercising and nourishing yourself right is a few years ago, and since then I've always tried to make each day count by eating healthy and balanced and having an active life. 

What to expect on Miss Loira

On this blog you can expect product reviews, outfit inspirations, some recipes, commendations, tips... Perhaps eve some gossips from time to time. 

My Philosophy: 

I believe that inspiration can be found anywhere but it is our job to take those ideas and turn them into something relevant. 

I would so much love to meet and connect with all of you! I am on social media a lot. 
You can subscribe to the blog to get email alerts, feel free to send me an email whenever, you can also find me on twitter and instagram - connecting with you is the best and my favourite part of blogging!